We know that sometimes mistakes happen and you need to return an item. If you’ve purchased a product directly through our website, you can return it to us for a full refund or exchange within 15 days of delivery. If you purchased your product somewhere else (like Amazon or Aliexpress), please contact the seller directly to return your item.

So that we can sort out your return, contact us with your order number and the reason you’d like to send your item back. If you’re returning your product because you’ve changed your mind, you need to make sure that it hasn’t been used and is still in its original packaging. Unfortunately, we can’t accept returns for any items which have been personalised, customised or modified specifically for you.

Once we receive your refund request, our customer service staff will verify and confirm with you. We will also notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund.. Our Customer Experience team will let you know when you should expect to receive your exchange or refund. Please note that we’re not able to cover any return shipping costs and the original shipping fees are non-refundable.

When you’re shipping your items back to us, the best idea is to choose a mailing option which gives you the option to track the package, as well as one that offers you compensation for loss of or damage to your parcel. If the package doesn’t reach us, we won’t be able to process your return, so it’s important that you make sure it stays safe in transit. Please wrap your package carefully so it doesn’t get damaged in the returns process, as we won’t be able to exchange or refund damaged products.


If you need us to cancel your order for any reason, please get in touch as soon as you can. Once an order is in our system, it can’t be edited and we can’t usually stop our warehouse from completing the shipping process once it has started, so it’s important that you let us know as early as possible. If we manage to prevent your order from being dispatched, we will cancel it and you’ll receive a full refund. If we’re unable to do so, don’t worry! You can return your order to us using the process above.

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